
Savings account for children

easily save for the future of your children

Advantageous savings


Guaranteed security

 and immediate availability of funds

Flexibility in management

with deposits and withdrawals allowed

Save time for your children's future. Open a savings account, on their name, right from birth. Thus, they will have less worries and more possibilities when they grow up.

Your advantages

  • You can open a savings account right from the birth of your child, on his name
  • You can save in MDL or currency (EUR, USD)
  • You have a higher interest rate than a current account
  • You can increase the saving rate due to the capitalization effect of interest
  • You have access to money at any time, without losing the accrued interest, provided that the minimum balance is maintained
  • You can deposit money at any time, up to the maximum ceiling: cash at the counter or by intra / inter-bank transfers
  • Transfer money from your current account for free and in seconds, through OTP Internet and Mobile Banking
  • Save automatically by activating scheduled payments (including OTP Internet and Mobile Banking)
  • You have ZERO account opening and administration fees
  • Keep your savings safe: your funds are guaranteed within the ceiling set by the Deposit Guarantee Fund

Denumirea depozitului
Denumirea depozitului
Valuta depozitului
Suma depozitului

Denumirea depozitului
Rata dobânzii
Tipul perioadei
Venit pe perioadă
Venit total
Suma totală
Graficul plăților
Calculul estimativ realizat prin intermediul calculatorului de credit este orientativ şi nu are valoare contractuală. Dobânda anuală efectivă (DAE) este stabilită în următoarele condiţii: creditul este tras imediat şi integral creditul va fi rambursat conform graficului indicat rata dobânzii şi celelalte costuri vor rămâne fixe în raport cu nivelul iniţial şi se aplică pe toată perioada creditului. Graficul poartă un caracter exemplificativ, calculat pe baza ratelor standard. Dobânda finală poate să difere și se va aproba în baza anumitor criterii prestabilite și în dependență de ofertele speciale existente la moment. Pentru mai multe detalii, rugăm să vă adresați la consilierul dvs. personal sau să contactați serviciul Contactell, 022 256 456

  • Currency: MDL, EURO, USD
  • Minimum amount of constitution / minimum balance: 500 MDL / 50 USD / 30 EURO
  • Maximum balance: 1 000,000 MDL / 10,000 USD / 10,000 EURO
  • Deadline (maturity): until the holder reaches the age of 18 years
  • Possible deposits, up to the maximum balance
  • Possible withdrawals, respecting the minimum balance
  • Interest: floating, correlated with the level of interest on the market
  • Interest payment: monthly, with capitalization
  • Calculation of interest: based on the actual balance in the account
  • Liquidation: on request, only at the unit where the account was opened
Eligibility criteria
  • Resident or non-resident individuals, aged between 0 and 18 years
Required documents

For minor holders, up to 14 years old, the savings account can be opened only by the parent / guardian of the account holder (minor up to 14 years old), based on the following documents:

  • The child's birth certificate or identity card (copy and original)
  • Identity card of the parent / guardian
  • The child's birth certificate (if the account will be opened based on the holder's identity card) or the document confirming guardianship (copy and original).

The management of the savings account (including its closure) can be performed only by the parent / guardian of the account holder (minor up to 14 years), who set up the account, based on the birth certificate of the holder or the act confirming guardianship .

For holders up to 14 to 18 years old, the savings account will be opened in the name of the minor beneficiary based on the application submitted by him and based on the statement submitted by the parent / guardian, regarding the permission to open / manage a bank account.

How can you open a savings account?
  • Come to any branch with the original documents required


  • Submit your application online in 5 easy steps:

Step 1: Access the computer
Step 2: Choose the savings account that suits you
Step 3: Fill in the online form with the requested personal data
Step 4: Wait for our advisor's call to clarify some details and set up an appointment
Step 5: Come to the bank, with the necessary documents, to sign the contract

Interest rates on deposits and savings accounts

Effective from 22.04.2024

Other information

Documents required to open an account
General banking conditions

Information on the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Individuals

Deposits of individuals are guaranteed up to the coverage level of 100 000 lei.